Tiny Steps, Big Wins: The Power of Incremental Effort
Some reflections on putting the work in based on faith alone.
There’s often this dark feeling in my mind that I’m never focused or doing enough.
I know this stems from a lack of organization in my life. This year has been so much going on, without enough time spent smelling flowers, that weeks away from my vacation I feel like a hott mess. Most days it takes me too long to get going and I find myself playing catch up until it’s time for bed.
There are so many things I want to do, but the day is finite and my scatterbrain is at a big high.
Despite that, I’ve been able to chip away at different projects.
While the visible results are not always there, by doing the work, you get progress.
It takes the will to get started, each time, until the job is done.
Everything you do can be broken down into project management steps
My studio room was already full of stuff, then I added a bunch more after my grandpa passed.
This has made the space a big cluttered awful mess. I’m not in a position where I can just take off a whole day and go clean the room up. This is easily a 10 hour job given how many specific items need to be categorized.
In order to create the space I need, a lot of crap needs to be thrown out.
With the power of photo archiving I can throw out all kinds of old paperwork and receipts.
That printer in my room that no one’s ever used ever. Why is it there? Does Marketplace have 15$ waiting for me out there?
To start this process I needed space, so I started going through drawers containing years worth of crap. I threw out a lot of it. I kept the mementos and such.
Then I need to deal with my closet. I can use my closet’s extra space to store the extra crap I need to hold temporarily without the stress of clutter.
I may only work on this 3-4 hours a week on a good week, but bit by bit it’s getting done. Unless I do it, it’s not going to happen. Even if I only did 20 minutes a week, the results would come.
This is even true with exercise.
The path to 100 pushups a day starts with one proper pushup
My lower body strength has always done me better than my upper body strength.
Lately I put a lot of work into my core doing some plank stuff, and I've been back on my squats so I can handle crouching shots in music videos. Then I figured I’d throw pushups in. Holy crap, after one and a half push ups, done low enough, I was out.
The next day, I did two pushups. The day after I could handle 3. Then I jumped to 5 feeling like a big man.
It’s small numbers, but if I go in too quick and too hard, my shoulder will be real mad at me. Been there, lived that, and it sucked.
Thankfully, even if I only did one and a half push ups the first time. It was enough to start the process. Over time the strength will come.
Since I added some regular exercize back to my life, I feel a lot stronger and more energetic.
There are weeks I can’t find time for all the cardio I want, but taking even 10 mins to do some other muscle hurting stuff, every day, stacks into something great for you over time.
Now my clothing fits a little nicer (I also had to stop eating as much junk food).
End of the day when you want something it’s on you to make it happen, step by step.
Set your goals and grind towards the destination the best you can
One of the best things I ever heard was Tai Lopez on the H3H3 Podcast teaching me about visualization.
He basically said if you dream stupid big, and hit 10% of that, you are way better off than if you got 100% of mid. This resonated with me and I never dreamt small again. This has made it hard to actually get started sometimes because the scale is so big in my mind.
Still if you want something bad enough you will do what needs to be done.
I want to get paid money to perform rap. That means I need to have a good amount of energy and cardio to deliver that stage show. Writing songs is cool, but performing them is what drives me and being in shape just helps put on a better show.
At least the kind of performance I want to give.
I want a cleaner work environment because the clutter is distracting. A constant reminder of another chore I’m neglecting. It’s a tricky balance focusing on regular projects.
Sometimes I ponder on how if I stopped writing these articles, I’d have so much free time cleared up in a week. But I believe in my digital pen and know I need to keep publishing. Every day I can. Even though I missed 4 days this year.
Even though I can’t optimize or do half the other crap I want. The act of writing every day is training me and my mind. I know a lot more about who I’m writing for after 6 months and it’s clear what topics I know about.
As long as you keep going, you’ll see the power of incremental growth in your life. Years later when the dividends kicked in. Treat your projects like investments, throw in what you can, when you can and have faith.
You never will control the timing of when it works out but you can be prepared when it happens.
Live Long and Prosper Everyone