The Growth Hack of Volunteering For a Not For Profit Organization
I joined the board of directors of a not for profit. Here's how it helped me.
I’m on the board of directors for the not for profit, Notre Dame Des Arts.
The organization has a mandate of showcasing local (NDG in Montreal) art and to help build up the artistic community. The key thing is its an established organization with a history of building culture. Notre Dame Des Arts’ name alone carries weight with local city officials and other purse string holders.
Sometimes when we set out to build our empires we meet gatekeepers and brick walls.
A lot of the hurdles we face are related to logistical realities. Independent artists in particular struggle to find ways to articulate their project goals with actionable language. The hurdles behind funding come off like mountains that feel insurmountable. Often you are riding solo. Without a team and trying to figure out success without proven wins to fall back on.
Being on the board of directors for Notre Dame Des Arts has changed all that for me.
Not for profits exist to provide value making them worth investing in
A solo art career is a gamble where statistically the artist will not live up to expectation.
While not for profits do carry some dirt on their name, most of them just roll along doing what they set out to do. Some represent specific community groups as a whole and others focus on particular needs that are faced by all. The scope can range from local efforts to giant machines.
Each organization will have a specific mandate that covers the scope of work they do.
In our case it’s about promoting NDG artists. While we care about other artists, our mission is to focus on the area where we live. Having a clear scope, that’s limited, helps the group stay focused and create value for the people it sets out to support. In our case NDG artists. If we tried to tackle Montreal as a whole it’d be too much, and arguably that’s the city’s job.
Because existing organizations have done the work to figure all this out, joining one gives you insight into what real deal goal setting and then grant getting looks like. For those who need experience, all this will cost you is time. And for the fellas, it’s a largely lady dominated space (be good though).
Stop stressing on how to get things done and go mentor with people who have experience.
No matter what you do, a neighbourhood group will benefit from your skills
Every single not for profit ever is dependent on the charity of volunteers.
While the larger ones will have all kinds of money to hire staff, most don’t.
Notre Dame Des Arts does not get operational funding.
That means literally anything that gets done is based on the time donated by the board and other volunteers. In fact, being on the board means I can’t really benefit directly from the work the not for profit does. Though, if there is money for stuff way outside the scope of my board duties, I could ethically get that pay, that’s neither here nor there.
Most of the time you won’t get money for what you do with a not for profit.
That being said, people care about the work that not for profits do. Since they impact communities in a positive way, communities tend to support them. The problem is that in this economy, less and less people have time to spare.
There is a constant need for more help. It doesn’t have to be the social stuff either, every board needs a treasurer who likes accounting. Most can’t find accountant types. If that’s you, hit us up as we need a treasurer as soon as possible.
Take some time to look up local organizations and see if there are any that interest you, then go offer them your time.
Not for profits unlock doors your nameless self cannot
Today I was invited to go on a radio show (on CJLO, Concordia’s station) to discuss Notre Dame Des Arts.
We talked about the vision for the organization. We asked for help and made a case for why we should exist. We were given the time to present our case for the value we provide.
While we barely talked about me, it’s still my name that’s all over that episode.
I was able to contribute to a greater community conversation touching on things like how limited the NDG nightlife is. Being in that room gave me a chance to showcase my potential as a host. Before I left I planted the seeds of getting my own show this summer.
Then I found out people who host a show get access to all of CJLO’s recording equipment. They apparently can broadcast live concerts. This is an exciting opportunity.
While the board can’t pay me, getting me in rooms with people where I can capitalize on moments is just as valuable to me. Plus everything I do with the board becomes a CV line item documenting more of that 1-3 years experience I couldn’t get elsewhere. You can really profit off the connections you make being involved with a not for profit.
The value you get is just as great as the energy you put in.
Not for profits are only a hack if you work them
The first year I was on the board I didn’t try very hard.
I was dealing with my own life problems and barely made an effort. I missed several meetings and took a passive approach. I didn’t mean to do it, but it had an impact.
I was also left questioning if being on this board made any sense.
This year as I was thinking about my future I realized that Notre Dame Des Arts was a vehicle to practice ideas on. Maybe I can’t throw events under my own brand, but I can make things happen for Notre Dame Des Arts. Just yesterday the homie Merker Miyagie did his presentation on how to make beats. The first in a new skill share series we’ve launched as a fundraiser.
I went to a bake sale and met some lovely people who gave me interesting ideas for how we can generate some cash flow.
I also got to watch a bunch of teenagers lose their minds to Taylor Swift as parents congregated, enjoying a respite from their needy offspring. Normally I’m not around that world. Normally I don’t see 150$ come in from cookies and juice.
The more you give to a not for profit the more you will learn things you can take back to your own life.
Live Long and Prosper Everyone